For a few months now I've become disillusioned by social media, as it exists now. I feel like everything is low effort; rage bait, AI, bots, misinformation, and not to mention everything is a 24/7 infomercial now. I've always felt intimidated by 'computer things' despite the fact that I'm Gen Z, I should be tech savvy, but i grew up in that period where internet safety was hammered into my brain, but everything was being taken over by apps and the home computer was becoming obselete. You don't have to be the brightest person to use an app. They're so easy 4-year-olds can use them. But i figured this out, right? it wasn't easy, but completly possible, in just 4 days.

I think I like this better. The internet should have it's special place (my home office), not be the devil on my shoulder (or rather, in my pocket), whispering into my ear to buy, buy, buy. I already left Facebook, twitter, and instagram in the dust long ago. And now TikTok will go the way of the dinosaurs as well.

I feel a little pretentious. Maybe warrented.

But it feels freeing, a little. Being able to have one place to post, no algorithim, no bots, and if a site i stumble across sucks, hit da bricks! It's great. I hope that once i being to post more about my interests (aka, solarpunk) People who find my site, and this blog, find something informative, interesting, or perhaphs even... fun.